Tuesday, March 29, 2011


So I was close! I knew the Bauhaus was a school and a thought... in the movie they said it was literally the "building house", which makes sense... both because the school in an architectural place and a school that is building/teaching. Speaking of teaching, I want to learn German now... I could understand some of it surprisingly. Back to the Bauhaus, I really felt for the students being moved around. Did the students follow the school or once the school left? Or were they stuck to go to another school or quit art school completely. I'd image there would be other schools around, but most likely the way the school thought was different. I couldn't imagine myself following a school that moved around a lot. Were the students just left in the dust? "Good-bye students. We have to move now. The Nazis are coming. Sorry?" No wonder the students rioted. I would have.

Bauhaus 1919-1933
open for only 14yrs. 1250 students. not many students...
basis of design education
Walter Gropius. 1st director of the Bauhaus, 1919-1928. return to arts and crafts... go back to the old ways. Published the... used a cathedral to represent PAINTING, SCULPTURE, and ARCHITECTURE. A social unity. All should be equally valued as one. Used cathedral like John Ruskin. utopian ideals are important. 

Gropius is headmaster
Gerhard Marks...sculpture/pottery shop
Lyonel Feringer... painting
Johannes Itten... head of design. foundation program. leaves Bauhaus in 1923, during the first Bauhaus exhibition. Shift to design thinking, straying away from arts and craft.

core foundation program, analysis of old masters work. create abstract things out of trash/rubbish. hard contrast with soft. contrast, contrast, contrast!

László Moholy-Nagy: Hungarian constructivist. worked with resin, photomontague, and....
typo-photo. he sees photography is going to take over painting. new visual language for a new age. photogram.... where the shadow is, it turns white. photo-plastic...photomontage: collage of photos.

Bauhaus made in industrial area. move in 1926. to Dessau, Germany. student designs in catalogues. made in the Dessau industrial city.

the universal alphabet... doing away with serifs and capitals. flushing to the right. hierarchy and contrast. explored strong horizontals and verticals in their compositions. Dominate horizontals and verticals. 
Viec Monroe "Less is More."

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